I am not a photographer by any means. The only device I had on hand was an iPhone. I read through the tips for iPhone photography as my research for how I might go about taking my images. In lesson 5, I settled on a theme for my self-portrait ‘I am more than what you see’.
I saw Anjuli’s example and liked the idea of the window. It made me think of two things. Firstly, that the eye is seen as the window to the soul. Secondly, different things can be seen in different frames/ quadrants of the window.
I explored the frame quadrant idea and thought maybe I could have myself in two quadrants of the frame, with various artefacts of me in the other quadrants. However, it seemed too busy. I gravitated to the idea of ‘simplicity’ outlined in the tips particularly because I only had an iPhone
and no photography training. I feared I would lose myself in the process.
I googled image searched ‘more than what you see’ (not very abstract) to get some ideas on how I might shoot my theme; the iceberg concept came up and resonated with me straight away. This supported the idea of the window frame quadrants but again - too busy and I was going to be taking the photo myself (wasn’t too sure how I might do that with me on the other side of the window).
My idea of trying to display an image through reflection of the eye seemed a bit too difficult. I tried to do a shot like the ones I had researched but trying to make the reflection in the pupil the focus was challenging. I then thought about mirrors. I was trying to see how I might reflect an image through my eyes; reflection within a reflection to show my theme. I liked when I put two mirrors together and saw a different part of me in each mirror. I was sold on the use of mirrors.
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