It was interesting to learn about the different artists and how their work was a form of output of who they were. I admit I was only familiar with these artists because I had heard them referenced in a film. Reading about their background and the themes/ styles signature to the artist, helped me to realise that anything we produce has a part of you in it. We create to express. Whether we express who we have always known ourselves to be or who we feel we are at the moment, is for the artist to know and the viewer to explore.
It is as if art or self-portraits in a way are an invitation to see the author, the artist. Hence, why I felt this was going to be a brave exercise on my part. Although I have no intention of making my project the theme to my social media posts for the season, I hoped it would be used as an example for the novice photographer. Using my iPhone was the only form of familiarity I had going into this project. I was ready to learn.